Food escapades in modernist cuisine


2 rue du Colonel Chambonnet 69002 Lyon, France
04 78 37 74 60
Before heading up on the fornicular to visit the old part of Lyon, we stopped into Palomas to grab a few snacks. Palomas is a master chocolate and confectionary maker, which originally opened in 1917. The shop sells all kinds of sweet treats but it was the mont blanc that I spotted in the window display that really interested me.
Not everyone likes chestnut but I've kind of grown a taste for it. If you've never had a Mont Blanc before, the main ingredient is chestnuts that are sweetened and pureed. There's usually a cookie or some kind of biscuit on the bottom that is then topped with the chestnut in a vermicelli-like mound along with some whipped cream. The dessert was named after the Mont Blanc mountain top in the Alps, as it resembles a snow-capped mountain.

After we finished paying at Palomas, I grabbed this shot of the city square. You can see the church in the background perched on top of the hill that we later traveled up via the fornicular just minutes later.


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